Saturday, December 11, 2010

i wonder as i wander...

Finally picking this back up again--prompt 4:
"Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?"
hmm... i don't really feel like i actually *chose* to cultivate a sense of wonder this year, although i *have* noticed my sense of wonder growing.... i think this growth is mainly due to the fact that God has been teaching me to let go of things being perfect, or always having to be busy, but to slow down and enjoy the moments He has given *right now.* As i have done that, i am in awe of the beauty of this world He made for us and placed us in... and this is just the "hotel" until the mansion is done! Definitely cause for wonder... =)

so, will i choose to intentionally cultivate wonder in 2011? i don't know... i think it might be good, but i'm really at a loss as to how to go about it. one thing i have been trying to do more the past few months is to notice people (not that this is new, i have always loved people watching) and what needs they might have, and how i might encourage them, so maybe this would be a good way to cultivate wonder? whether it is or isn't won't get me to stop doing it, though! it's a possible application.

now i'd best go wonder over materiality and internal controls... i have procrastinated long enough, and we won't mention how i have honed *that* skill this year! =P ahem... ;-)

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