Sunday, December 26, 2010

short and sweet

Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?

Hehe... I discovered community in the most unlikely of places this year: the gym! And I am loving it!

To connect with more deeply in 2011? To do a better job of keeping up with my far-flung HQ and IBLP friends. To jump in to church here, and sing in the choir.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Prompt: Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?

It has been *so* long, it took me awhile to remember what the last thing was I finished making! There are always lots of things in progress, with bits and pieces getting done on them here and there... but the last thing I made was a couple of quick, cute notecards--cardstock, scraps of paper, a sewing machine, and a rub-on sentiment.

What do I want to make? Longer tank tops for the gym, copied from a favorite tank I already have. I have to tweak the pattern a little, but hopefully it should be pretty simple after that! =)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?"

This one was hard... because I feel like I let pretty much everything go this year; I just couldn't handle it. So maybe the more important question is what I held on to? And that's an easy one: Jesus. =)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

i wonder as i wander...

Finally picking this back up again--prompt 4:
"Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?"
hmm... i don't really feel like i actually *chose* to cultivate a sense of wonder this year, although i *have* noticed my sense of wonder growing.... i think this growth is mainly due to the fact that God has been teaching me to let go of things being perfect, or always having to be busy, but to slow down and enjoy the moments He has given *right now.* As i have done that, i am in awe of the beauty of this world He made for us and placed us in... and this is just the "hotel" until the mansion is done! Definitely cause for wonder... =)

so, will i choose to intentionally cultivate wonder in 2011? i don't know... i think it might be good, but i'm really at a loss as to how to go about it. one thing i have been trying to do more the past few months is to notice people (not that this is new, i have always loved people watching) and what needs they might have, and how i might encourage them, so maybe this would be a good way to cultivate wonder? whether it is or isn't won't get me to stop doing it, though! it's a possible application.

now i'd best go wonder over materiality and internal controls... i have procrastinated long enough, and we won't mention how i have honed *that* skill this year! =P ahem... ;-)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

...better late than never...

Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors).

The longer I think about this question, the more answers I have to choose from! Thanksgiving. A face-to-face heart-to-heart with a best friend. Tea parties on the front porch. Just stopping to notice. 

But really? the place where I most consistently feel alive? This still feels odd to admit, but I do think it's a good thing... At the gym! In Spinning class, on a stationary bike, riding my heart out. Knowing there's nothing I have to prove, but just doing my best for that day. Feeling the wheel spinning beneath my feet, turning my face to search for a breath of cool air from the fans, the scratchy towel removing the sweat from my hands and the handlebars, the countless ounces of water imbibed to cool and lubricate the working muscles--that's one of my favorite places to be, and one of the best parts of my day.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


i love the sound of the sewing machine whirring.
i love the taste of cuties. homemade popcorn with butter. and boston tea in a peppermint-striped mug with milk and sugar. the perfect snack.
i love the feel of everybody home. and being cozy in warm winter layers. and needing warm winter layers!
i love the smell of woodsmoke.
i love the sight of fading light on the colorful leaves of the trees outside my window.

inspired by marta and her fabulous mini journals

day two!

Writing. What do you do each day that doesn't contribute to your writing--and can you eliminate it?

um... good question! Since writing for me has been either very sporadic or non-existent... I think I may reverse this question and ask what I *can* do to contribute to writing each day? I would like to make it a point to record something from each day; either on a blog, or on paper--it doesn't have to be much, and reverb10 will totally help with this! I want to make writing a habit again. =)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

...blink and it will be 2011...

so... I happened upon this challenge this morning: reflecting on the year that is closing and contemplating goals for the new year ahead, and decided to try it. However, I am not guaranteeing how long it lasts! =P

Today's prompt is: "One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?"

The word for this year would have to be: reviving. It feels as though I am Rip van Winkle or Sleeping Beauty and finally waking up to who I am in Christ... and I'm still groggy, but it is slowly but surely sinking in! =)

What would I like to see at this point next year? Well, obviously, I would like to see this trend continue! But to sum it up in one word is hard... I think I will swap analogies and choose the word *blossom* for December 2011. We'll see what He has in store! =)

Monday, September 27, 2010

...back at it!

37. pumpkin spice lattes
38. fall!
39. rainbow umbrellas
40. the sound of rain
41. 3/4 length sleeves
42. a happy necklace
43. friends checking up on me even when I've been a hermit
44. Truth
45. timers to help keep me on track

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

...then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee...

grateful for many gifts, but mostly for the Giver...He has already given so abundantly, and yet still chooses to do so; what wondrous love!

25. rain softly falling on the roof
26. the slow but sure removal of clutter and re-instatement of organization
27. joy in exercising
28. splendidly fresh summer suppers
29. silly, spunky puppy dog antics [videography courtesy of my sister]
30. songs playing on the radio just for me
31. the exquisite scent and sight of roses

32. the realization of truth and the rejection of lies
33. the blissfulness of Sunday afternoon naps
34. fun and fellowship with new friends
35. the satisfaction of progress and the hope of greater things to come
36. the steady sound of the crickets chirping in the night stillness

holy experience

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

reason to sing

20. that Easter is *not* about eggs, bunnies, and chocolate; there's so much more! HE IS RISEN!
21. midterm grades =)
22. company on sunny walks
23. dirt for things to grow in... even if all that's growing are weeds at the moment. ;-)
24. clean rooms

Monday, March 22, 2010

short but sweet

15. ever-present artillery; proof of the hard-working, self-sacrificing protectors of our freedom
16. Spring bustin' out all over
17. cool new spaces (aka refrigerator upgrade)
18. faithful provision
19. reminders and encouragement from His people