Monday, August 2, 2010

...then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee...

grateful for many gifts, but mostly for the Giver...He has already given so abundantly, and yet still chooses to do so; what wondrous love!

25. rain softly falling on the roof
26. the slow but sure removal of clutter and re-instatement of organization
27. joy in exercising
28. splendidly fresh summer suppers
29. silly, spunky puppy dog antics [videography courtesy of my sister]
30. songs playing on the radio just for me
31. the exquisite scent and sight of roses

32. the realization of truth and the rejection of lies
33. the blissfulness of Sunday afternoon naps
34. fun and fellowship with new friends
35. the satisfaction of progress and the hope of greater things to come
36. the steady sound of the crickets chirping in the night stillness

holy experience


  1. Wow, I can just smell that rose! Lovely list.

  2. i HAD to reply to your post... i'm thankful for much of the same things this week in my own list... i have a silly puppy, too, and two songs on MY radio that were just for me.. he knows us, his beloveds. he loves us and rejoices ot give us good gifts. amen!!
